Leo, oh Leo, With your hair so sleek and your suit so dark, You’re the Taoiseach of Ireland and a bit of a shark, But sometimes you make us all feel scared.

You talk of Brexit and budgets,  pandemics and more. And policies that must be put in place, But we can’t help but think, That maybe you need to lighten up your face and lead with grace.

So let’s raise a pint of Guinness, And sing a song or two, For even though you’re leading our nation, There’s still room for a bit of fun, it’s true.

You may be serious, but we are sometimes not, So come on Leo, give us a smile, And we’ll keep singing, drinking and joking, All the while

So let’s raise a glass and sing a song, For even Taoiseachs need to sing along.
He may be serious and put on a face, but we’re not into that sort of disgrace, well sometimes.

He loves to share a document or two, but there is no punishment compared to what would happen to me or you.

So let’s have a laugh and give him a shot, Of being a leader and having some fun, The Irish way, it can’t be outdone!


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